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Are T-shirt Knit Rags Washable: All You Need to Know

Are T-shirt Knit Rags Washable: All You Need to Know

Are T-shirt Knit Rags Washable: All You Need to Know

Everyone is aware of how versatile t-shirt knit rags are in cleaning. However, a common question people ask is: are t-shirt knit rags washable? If you are one of these people, just sit back, as we are here to remove your confusion. 

From performing a heavy cleaning on commercial and industrial levels to cleaning delicate surfaces like glassware without leaving any scratches, t-shirt knit rags are up for any type of duty. 

But you need a thorough knowledge of how to use and wash them for later use so that they can stay with you for a long time. Today we will discuss whether these t-shirt rags are washable or not and everything else you need to know about them. 

So, let’s jump straight into it.

To know more about t-shirt knit rags, read here

Are T-shirt Knit Rags Washable?

To your surprise, the answer to “are t-shirt knit rags washable?” is “YES,” we can easily wash them at home and use them later. That’s another important reason why you should definitely go for these knit rags.

But you need to take care of a few things to prevent them from any kind of damage. Just stick with us in this blog, and you will have a thorough understanding of how to wash t-shirt rags ideally.

How to Wash Your T-shirt Knit Rags?

Same as to perform any other daily routine task, there are some guidelines one needs to follow while washing t-shirt rags. Here are some methods you can follow.

Easy Washing

Starting from the easiest method to wash the t-shirt rags, you need a gallon of water and a stove for this.

  • Put the rags in the water, and place them on the stove.
  • Leave the rags to boil for almost 15 minutes.
  • After taking the rags off from the stove, let them cool for a bit and then wash with your hands.
  • Dry the rags properly.

Exposure to the boiling temperature will help in killing the bacterias that can make us sick. 

Washing Large Load of T-shirt Rags in Washing Machine

It is another easy method that we can adopt. You should opt for it when there is a large load of t-shirt rags that you need to wash at once.

  • Launder these cleaning rags in hot water using a washing machine.
  • Throw in some household cleaning products or use chemical cloth detergents. 
  • Dry the rags with the help of hot air.

Note: do not use bleach. 

Here we again have suggested using temperature to sterilize the rags and kill bacteria to ensure your safety.

Washing Greasy Vs. Non-Greasy Rags

We all know what type of cleaning we can do with cleaning t-shirt rags, and if you don’t read here.

If you want to wash greasy rags and degrease them effectively, you need to follow only one additional step: pretreating. 

  • You need to use some degreasing detergent to get rid of grease.
  • Soak all the greasy rags in the degreasing detergent for almost a minimum of 10-12 hours. 
  • Wash like normal.
  • Let the rags air dry. 

This pretreating step will help you remove the excess oil, grease, and indelible stains. Once done with this step, you can proceed following the methods we have discussed above.

Some Secrets for Keeping the T-shirt Rags Safe and Useful

Following are some valuable tips you can follow to increase the lifespan of the cleaning t-shirt rags.

Using Vinegar Alone

Although washing the cleaning rags with vinegar or baking soda alone will do the job for you, we suggest using commercial disinfectants. 

The reasons are that only vinegar won’t be enough for getting rid of bacteria entirely, and you cannot use them with bleach.

Always Wash the T-shirt Rags Separately

Washing t-shirt rags along with other clothes mean spreading all types of toxic germs on different clothes. That’s why we highly recommend you against doing so. We recommend t-shirt knit rags together but not with other rags. 

Wash the Stains As Quickly As Possible

Another tip for you will be to wash stains as soon as they get on a rag. If you don’t wash them quick enough, they will become indelible, and it will become difficult for you to get rid of them. Fresher the stain, easier for you to get rid of it.

When to Dump The T-shirt Cleaning Rags?

Well, there isn’t any hard-and-fast rule as to when you should stop using a cleaning rag and get rid of it. 

The rule is simply that when you think the rag is not cleaning properly, it’s time you throw them away. Another sign you get to when you should dump these rags is when, even after washing, they stay stiff.

Although these rags are very durable and can withstand intense cleaning tasks, if somehow they get torn up or have holes in them, you should stop using them, as they will be unable to perform a proper cleaning.

One-Stop-Shop for Buying Best T-shirt Knit Rags: Nabob Wipers’

When it comes to cleaning products like cleaning rags, bar mop towels, and kitchen towels, there is one name you can’t skip: Nabob Wipers. They are manufacturing superior quality cleaning products for their customers at very reasonable prices. 

Same as any other product from Nabob Wipers, you can trust these premium quality t-shirt knit rags with any type of cleaning, and they will get the job done for you.

Why Nabob Wipers’?

There is only one goal of the company, and that is the satisfaction of their customers. That’s why the company is providing its customers with very high quality and elegant products, and that too at much lower prices than the entire market.

  • Easy ordering procedures and fast delivery.
  • High-end and genuine products.
  • Reasonable prices that everyone can afford
  • Non-stop customer care.

Bottom Line — Are T-shirt Knit Rags Washable?

After going through this article, you would definitely have your answer to “Are t-shirt knit rags washable?” To be honest, doing cleaning tasks with paper products can be pretty costly. 

Thanks to these Nabob Wipers’ t-shirt rags, you have an incredibly durable and absorbent cleaning tool, which can perform any type of cleaning effectively.

Just follow the washing procedures we have described above, and keep the prevention in your mind. These will help you increase the lifespan of these t-shirt cleaning rags, and you will be all good for non-stop cleaning. 

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