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The Best Tips and Tricks For Car Washing At Home

car washing at home

The Best Tips and Tricks For Car Washing At Home

Common question: is car washing at home possible? What if we tell you washing the car at home is actually more effective than machine washing? Yes, it is because when you wash the car by hand, you target complex angles efficiently. 

We believe that nothing is better than a shiny, spotless car, and hence, after consulting experts, we have prepared a comprehensive guide on car washing at home. Let’s Go!

How To Wash A Car Exterior

Here is a step-by-step guide to washing the car’s exterior.

Step 1: 

Use pressure wash or hose to get rid of most dirt and grime. The machine will provide pressure which will break down stuck dust and dirt that makes cleaning the rest of the body easier for you. 

Step 2: 

Now prepare car wash soap and sponge. We recommend you not to use regular detergents and dishwashers. Car wash soaps are specially designed for cars, hence, they are mild enough to protect the car’s paint and polish. 

Step 3: 

Start scrubbing all the tires one by one with the sponge and soapy water. Make sure not to use the sponge vigorously as it may result in scratches. 

Step 4: 

Once rubbed adequately, wash it with clean water. You can also wash the car all at once (after you have rubbed the car’s body), but there are chances that the soap will dry, so we recommend you wash the tires with water beforehand. 

Step 5: 

Scrub the rest of the car’s body with soapy water. Exert a little pressure on the sponge. Else the car will scratch. 

Step 6: 

Use clean water to clean the soapy surface of the car. 

Step 7: 

Use Nabob Wipers’ Auto-Mechanic Shop Towel to dry the surface. You might leave it to air dry, but we advise you not to. When you leave the car to air dry, there will be stains of water all over the surface.

It would be best if you had cloth to do the job quickly and easily. Nabob’s mechanical towels are made of 100% cotton, are super absorbent and washable. 

When using them, you need not worry about the car’s paint, polish, or scratches. Exquisitely designed, this auto mechanic shop towel gives a lint-free, smooth, and spotless finish. 

Read more about Nabob’s Auto Mechanic Shop Towel here

Step 8: 

Coat the surface with car wax for protection.

Now it’s time for the car’s interior. Let’s Go!

How To Wash A Car’s Interior

Honestly, cleaning a car’s interior is my favorite part of car washing at home. Like who doesn’t like to drive a lint-free and clean vehicle? Also, cleaning it is incredibly therapeutic. Let’s check out how you can provide your car’s interior with a spotless finish. 

Step 1: 

Remove the garbage (if any) by hand. Also, remove things that do not belong to the car.

Step 2: 

Take out floor mats one by one and vacuum the dust out of them. 

Step 3: 

Move the seats to clean the car’s floor thoroughly. 

Step 4: 

Now take the vacuum to clean the debris and dust on the dashboard. 

Step 5: 

Use wet Nabob Wiper’s Auto Mechanic Shop Towel to clean the dashboard for a spotless finish. Don’t worry. It is washable and won’t leave lint behind. 

Step 6: 

To clean the seatbelts, use damp Nabob’s auto mechanic towel and wipe them smoothly. 

Step 7: 

Use glass cleaner to clean windows and sunroof. 

Step 8: 

Put floor mats, and you are good to go.

FAQs — Car Washing At Home

Do you have more questions about car washing at home? These frequently asked questions will definitely help you out. 

Should I use car soaps to wash car wheels?

Yes, you can use car soap or a dedicated wheel cleaner to wash car wheels. Make sure not to use harsh detergents or dishwashers as they may scratch the wheel surface. 

Can I just wash the car with a pressure wash or hose?

No, for deep cleaning, we recommend you washing it with car soap. Pressure wash and hose only help get rid of dirt on significant areas. 

Is machine wash better than washing car with hands?

No, machine wash does not target challenging to reach areas. You can clean the car thoroughly when you do car washing at home. 

Can I let my car airdry?

No, let the car air dry, meaning leave marks of water on it. It would be best if you used a soft cotton cloth to dry the surface completely. We recommend you clean the car after wash with Nabob’s Auto Mechanic Shop Towels


Car washing at home is not as difficult as it may sound. With proper technique and the best car cleaning products, you can efficiently clean your car’s exterior and interior for a spot-free finish. 

Nabob Wipers’ Auto Mechanic Shop Towel is the best choice for cleaning the car’s interior and exterior. 

Buy Shop Towels 25 Pack:

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